Filter Blogs By tag: table

02 Apr / 2015

Cheap Bed Frame Online

Write By: admin Published In: Melbournians Furniture Hits: 1883 Comment: 0

While furnishing a bedroom, finding the most ideal bed frame is an indispensable factor. It goes without saying that price is often a deciding factor when it comes purchasing a bed frame. However, cheap bed frames are not necessarily of bad quality. Actually, you can find numerous cheap bed frames that are able to provide same quality, durability and comfort as that of more costly varieties.

04 Apr / 2018

Top Coffee Tables in Melbourne

Write By: nashid Published In: Melbournians Furniture Hits: 837 Comment: 0

Your selection of coffee table just like the other furniture of your home will speak about your taste. Here are 5 suggestions of top coffee tables for a beautiful and stylish living room in Melbourne.

19 Jan / 2016


Write By: admin Published In: Melbournians Furniture Hits: 3131 Comment: 0

Whether you are looking for modern or classic replica furniture, at Melbournians Furniture we are confident that we have the perfect product to meet your practical and design needs. View our range of products online or in store to find the perfect dining solution for you interior.

High-quality, affordable and convenient online furniture in Australia
08 Mar / 2016

High-quality, affordable and convenient online furniture in Australia

Write By: admin Published In: Melbournians Furniture Hits: 2440 Comment: 0

if you are looking for high quality, the kind that makes your friends green with envy, but still easy on the pocket kind of furniture then Melbournians Furniture is the place for you! You don’t have to leave the comfort of your own house even! By going to our online website you can pick and choose to your hearts content from our exquisite range of affordable furniture.

Heating UP the furniture scene!!
12 Dec / 2015

Heating UP the furniture scene!!

Write By: admin Published In: Melbournians Furniture Hits: 1138 Comment: 0

The Heat is here! Summer is banging on our front doors and is demanding to be let in and we at Melbournians furniture whole heartedly agree! It’s time to spruce up your casa and get it summer ready!

Furniture Care Instruction (Fabric, Leather and Wood)
07 Nov / 2016

Furniture Care Instruction (Fabric, Leather and Wood)

Write By: nashid Published In: Melbournians Furniture Hits: 1574 Comment: 0

Start with Vacuuming:
As dust and dirt cause fabric to wear faster, we recommend vacuuming regularly.Regular vacuuming will keep your sofa feeling and smelling fresh. Eliminating dust will also increase the life of the sofa. When dust travels into the fiber of your sofa, it causes it to wear quicker. So, when you're dusting the rest of your home, don't forget the dust that's hiding in your cushions.


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